

  Pongola Kumon Centre was formed over 10 years ago and is managed by a very dedicated educator, Liedie Heystek. Liedie has a Higher Education Diploma (M+4) and is a practicing primary school teacher with 28 years experience and registered with the Education department of South Africa.

What is Kumon?
The Kumon Method of learning was developed over 50 years ago in Japan by Toru Kumon, a high school Maths teacher whose son was struggling with Grade 2 Maths. Mr Kumon was convinced that he could help his son improve his Maths by introducing him to the skills one step at a time. With that in mind, Toru Kumon created a series of worksheets for his son to do after school and by Grade 6 his son was able to solve integral and differential calculus problems. He achieved this by spending only 30 minutes a day completing his father’s worksheets.

Kumon is not designed to improve Maths and English skills as an end in itself, it is an educational method which uses Maths and English skills to develop the potential of each child. The aim of Kumon is to unleash each child's potential to love learning, by improving confidence and self-esteem, and encouraging self-discipline and a good daily study habit.
There is no failing in Kumon, because each child works at his or her own carefully monitored level.

The Kumon Programmes are characterised by a linear approach to learning. A concept is introduced with simple exercises. The work gradually increases in difficulty in very small, incremental steps. Students have the opportunity to practice until the concept is thoroughly mastered. Then the next concept is introduced, building on the foundation established by the first concept.

Kumon Maths.
The specific goal of the Kumon Maths Programme is to make high school Maths easy. Strong calculation skills are the foundation for success in advanced Mathematics, Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus.

Kumon English
The main goal of the Kumon English Programme is to develop reading comprehension ability. Students with strong reading comprehension ability read passages quickly and accurately, and grasp their meaning with ease.

With these goals in mind, Kumon has continually revised the materials to meet the needs of children all over the world. Kumon’s materials allow students the opportunity to study work which is two or three years above their own school curriculum level.

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  Contact us
Tel: 083 601 6599
Fax: 086 587 4819
Name: Liedie Heystek                                                                            
Email: liedie@heystekgroup.co.za